Health + Wellness — Popular

An Unstable Free Radical

What Are Free Radicals?

Overview Free radicals are atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons. These molecules are considered oxidized. Because in most molecules this state is very unstable, free radicals are highly reactive and therefore try to pair these unpaired electrons in whatever manner they can. This unstable state is often stabilized when the free radical grabs or shares an electron from or with another molecule (when the free radical is reduced). Often a free radical is stabilized when it grabs a free electron from a nearby molecule that is stable, causing that molecule to now become a free radical and be unstable itself....

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Astaxanthin Improves Your Appearance

Studies Show Astaxanthin Makes You More Attractive

You may realize that what you eat impacts how you feel; when you eat healthy you have more energy and feel better. You may also notice that what you eat often impacts how you look; healthy food can help your skin look fresh and clear, and may give you a little more “glow” than you otherwise might exhibit. Interestingly enough, there have been a few clinical studies conducted demonstrating that taking an antioxidant call astaxanthin orally can improve the way you look. For more information about astaxanthin, see this article: Astaxanthin: The Wrinkle-Preventing Wonder Compound. Japanese Studies In 2002, a...

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