Health + Wellness — photodermatosis

Woman with vitiligo

Vitiligo Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is a disease that results in a loss of skin color. People suffering from vitiligo have blotches of white on their skin in various, unpredictable patterns. It can affect any part of your body and can also affect the inside of your mouth, hair, and even the color of your retinas. Although the condition can lead to low self-confidence, it is not life-threatening or contagious. While it is most noticeable in people with darker skin, anybody, with any skin type, is susceptible to developing it. Symptoms Symptoms of vitiligo include white patches on the skin caused...

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Woman with solar urticaria in sun wearing hat

Solar Urticaria Prevention And Treatment

What is Solar Urticaria? Solar urticaria (SU) is a rare skin condition characterized by hives, redness, and swelling of the skin. It is considered to be a form of light sensitivity and can result in pain and discomfort. It is caused by exposure to ultraviolet light and sometimes visible light. If you are susceptible you may even develop SU through light clothing. Researchers are not completely sure what causes solar urticaria, but it is believed that it is a type of allergic reaction to sunlight and/or other types of artificial light sources. It is classified as a physical urticaria. You...

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Woman and man hiking using sun protection pill

Erythema Treatment And Prevention

What is Erythema? Erythema is a skin condition that results in skin redness or rash. Some of the most prevalent types of erythema include UV-induced erythema, erythema nodusum, photosensitivity, and erythema multiforme. UV-induced erythema is sunburn: when an individual develops a burn from ultraviolet radiation resulting in irritation of the skin, redness and inflammation. The is by far the most common type of erythema. Erythema nodusum is skin inflammation that tends to center around the fatty layers of the skin and is characterized by painful lumps usually on the front of the legs. Photosensitivity from medication is when an individual...

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Man with actinic keratosis and ocean and sky

Actinic Keratosis Treatment: How To Treat And Prevent AK

Actinic Keratosis Actinic keratosis, also known as solar keratosis, is a skin condition that is the result of years of sun exposure, indoor tanning, and skin damage. It appears as scaly rough patches of skin on the neck, scalp (typically only if bald), hands, forearms, ears, lips, and face. Actinic keratosis may take years to develop; it is usually considered to be pre-cancerous, and can sometimes be cancerous. The condition can develop in people of any skin tone and the scaly, rough patches may be a variety of colors including red, pink, and tan. When it appears on the lips,...

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Hyperpigmentation Treatment with Sunsafe Rx for Woman In The Sun

Hyperpigmentation Treatment And Prevention

Hyperpigmentation Hyperpigmentation is a darkening of the skin due to an overproduction of melanin. It can be brought on by various injuries to the skin, acne vulgaris, sun damage, and inflammation. It is most common in people with darker skin tones who spend a lot of time in the sun, although anyone with any type of skin tone may develop it. Examples of hyperpigmentation include liver spots, sun spots, age spots, melasma (mask of pregnancy), and freckles. Preventing hyperpigmentation in the first place is preferable, but hyperpigmentation treatment is possible. There are three types of hyperpigmentation: Epidermal Light brown spots,...

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