Health + Wellness — xanthophylls

Antioxidants In Foods

What Are Antioxidants And Why Do You Need Them?

Overview As was discussed in a previous article, What Are Free Radicals?, just the very act of living–breathing, eating, and building up and breaking down the tissues and structures that make up your body–generates free radicals. These free radicals are necessary for many reactions that occur in your body, but if not precisely controlled, these free radicals can cause problems. The reason is because free radicals are highly reactive, and as such can cause damage to anything close to them. This damage, if not repaired, can lead to permanent changes in your body and what you eventually see as a...

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Astaxanthin Prevents Wrinkles

Astaxanthin: The Wrinkle-Preventing Wonder Compound

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid. More specifically, it is grouped within a class of carotenoid molecules called xanthophylls, which also include compounds such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and many others. Lutein and zeaxanthin are nutrients both present in egg yolks and various leafy green vegetables and are important for proper functioning of the retina of the eye. They have also been shown to support your skin and eyes during sun exposure. Likewise, astaxanthin is an incredibly powerful antioxidant. It has been shown to promote your defenses against the effects of sun exposure, and furthermore to prevent other types of oxidative damage to...

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Sunsafe Rx Ingredients Prevent Sun Damage

An Overview of the Ingredients in Sunsafe Rx

The secret of Sunsafe Rx is Antioxidine. Antioxidine is a proprietary formulation that contains a very precise, powerful blend of specific antioxidants that decades of clinical research shows are each able to support your skin and eyes and provide natural, healthy, anti-aging protection. Each ingredient in Proprietary Antioxidine Complex has been clinically shown to provide antioxidant protection and help defend against some of the effects of environmental exposure. The combination of these ingredients is incredibly powerful. And the ratios and amounts of each ingredient have been optimized to confer the ideal health benefits. For instance, one ingredient, Polypodium leucotomos, is...

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